LegalShield Plan Details

Your Trusted Partner in Legal Services and Identity Protection

LegalShield Plan Details

Your Trusted Partner in Legal Services and Identity Protection

LegalShield Plan Details

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non ligula a velit lacinia iaculis. Proin justo erat, laoreet a orci sed, molestie suscipit dolor. Quisque tincidunt maximus augue. Aenean eu leo non arcu maximus dapibus at sed urna. Sed et diam nunc. Vestibulum id sapien interdum, convallis nisl quis, laoreet erat. Pellentesque commodo diam nibh, ac vestibulum orci feugiat sit amet. Fusce nibh nisl, aliquet nec ultrices vitae, ullamcorper egestas arcu. Ut venenatis velit et orci sagittis cursus. Proin nec quam lorem. Phasellus lobortis sed eros id sodales. Vivamus elit nibh, congue eu malesuada vel, dapibus ac nunc. Nam et tortor eu dolor porta venenatis. Suspendisse auctor consectetur venenatis.

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Affordable LegalShield Plan for Every Need

Legal & Identity Protection Plans Tailored for You

LegalShield Plan

$ 29.95
Personal legal advice and consultation
Representation for common personal legal issues
Family law support (after 90 days of membership)
Document preparation (wills, loan documents)

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LegalShield provides access to legal services offered by a network of provider law firms to LegalShield members and their covered family members through membership based participation. Neither LegalShield nor its officers, employees or sales associates directly or indirectly provide legal services, representation or advice. See a plan contract at for specific state of residence for complete terms, coverage, amounts and conditions. IDShield is a product of LegalShield and provides access to identity theft protection and restoration services. See plan details for specific state or providence of residence for complete terms, coverage, amounts, conditions and limitations.

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